善于Beatbox 翻譯藝人ECHO(李昶俊)曾經是天王周杰倫的Beatbox老師,因為參加選秀節目《超級模王大道》模擬羅志祥、周杰倫、 李敖巨匠而爆紅,十分有才調,日前ECHO將片子《我的少女時期》主題曲《小榮幸》改編成英文版,放上彀路分享後,往日的緋聞女友李千娜隨即轉貼,表示很喜歡英文版的《小幸運》 翻譯社
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ECHO將原唱田馥甄的《小榮幸》歌詞翻成英文,改編成英文版的《小幸運》演唱,不測營造出另外一種分歧於中文版的空氣,網友聽了以後也大讚英文版 翻譯翻譯翻得很到味,舊日的緋聞女友李千娜也轉貼歌曲表示喜好。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯ECHO(李昶俊)曾被爆和李千娜約會,女方當下還有偷勾男方的手,不過兩人在戀情暴光後一天,連忙又閃電分手,讓各人相當驚惶,不外兩邊的掮客公司從頭至尾都堅稱兩人只是好朋友,也讓外界對兩人關係霧裡看花。
I hear the raindrop falling on the green
I hear far away the school bells ring
but I don’t hear your voice calling for me
Sincerely calling for me
When I was in love with you 翻譯公司 I didn’t know
Only after goodbye did my tears flow
why didn’t I realize that knowing you
Is the best thing I’ll ever know
maybe we were
busy as we laughed and cried
busy chasing shooting stars in the sky
Maybe we took things for granted,
And I forgot that you’ve always been here by my side
You are the one I wanted the most oh darling
please come a little closer we don’t need to be searching
I’ll fight the world cause it is meant to be
we are supposed to be
you are my everything
listen to my heart beating
I’m so lucky to know you
Although I’ve lost the right to
Cry a river over you
I can only hope somewhere I can’t see
You’ve spread your wings, you’re free
You’ve found the one for you
How lucky she would be
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