

 If you keep pressing this button翻譯社 you will end up with a blank screen. 如果翻譯公司一向按這個鍵,最後就會泛起一個空白螢幕。

 You will end up in debt if you keep on spending money like that. 再如許花錢,你總有一天要負債纏身翻譯

英文的死角:沒法直接翻譯的字,從end up開始

 It was a low-growth, no-risk scenario, but you ended up with a different sized business. 這是一個低成長,無風險的計畫,但你最後搞出來的公司範圍舛訛翻譯

 I thought I was going to hate it, but I ended up enjoying myself.我以為我會很討厭這份工作,想不到竟然樂在個中。

 Chances are likely that the match may end up in a draw. 比賽極可能以平局結束。

有時辰end up後面還會加介系詞 “with” 或 “in”。

第二種用法是end up後面跟名詞, 意思是“最後達到什麼狀況,情況, 地方等”。

為了便於申明,萬國翻譯社們把用法分為兩類:一類是後面跟動名詞, 表示“最後在幹什麼”翻譯 看下面的例子:

 He denied everything, but ended up confessing everything.他原先什麼都否認,但最後什麼都認可了。